Tuesday 1 December 2015

Your Child Shouldn’t Eat These Foods with 6 Month Smile Braces

Foods to Avoid for Child During Six Month Smiles Treatment

At present wide number of tweens and teens are being prescribed braces to help align some of the fully erupted adult teeth. Most of the 6 month smile braces are manufactured by using metal which include stainless steel and many more. They also comprise of bands wires as well as brackets. In such cases, food items get stuck into the braces.

Immediate Brushing –Leads Partial Relief from Sticking of Foods on Braces:

Immediate brushing may lead quick releasing of most of the foods. But there are some food items which actually lead to damage and destruction of the braces hence leading to tooth decay. It is easy to choose some of the selected food items to be consumed by simply avoiding foods which may cause six month smiles problems.

Foods to Avoid During Six Month Smiles Treatment:

The child must continue to avoid such foods throughout the duration till the braces remain into the mouth. A proper working toothbrush along with high quality toothpaste is some of the basic requirements. Some foods to avoid in order carrying on the six month smiles without any interruption include:
  • Sticky food items must be tossed out as they may lead loosening of wires of the braces. Some of the sticky foods that may cause harm to the teeth and braces include chewing gum, fruit leathers, fruit snacks, toffees, caramels, certain fruit bars and muesli.
  • Hard food items must be avoided as they may lead to cracking as well as breaking of the 6 month smile braces. The hard food items include ice chips, nuts, popcorn, mints, lollipop, and burnt toasts and had cookies.
  • Food items that are hard to chew like bagels, apples, cereals must be eliminated from the diet. Chewing them may lead to destruction of the braces.
  • Finally, one must brush immediately after consumption of acid and sugary foods.

Following the above steps will lead easy treatment of smile in the best possible manner.


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