Thursday, 16 April 2015

What are the Major Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth

Major Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth 

Wisdom teeth are not harmful unless they begin to interfere with the alignment and position of other teeth. A consultation with your dentist can be helpful in determining whether your teeth are healthy or they need some treatment.

We all are intrigued about wisdom teeth and when they begin to appear, we somehow feel doubtful about their health and maintenance. Though it is true that you need to give a little extra care to these new teeth, some unavoidable complications may arise that may have to be dealt with by getting the extra teeth removed. Some of the common wisdom teeth symptoms have been discussed here so that you can be sure when the new teeth are appearing.
  • Pain in the gums:
    When wisdom teeth begin to appear, they tend to cause pain and tenderness in the gums. If they are unable to break the gum surface and come out, they may even lead to redness and swelling.
  • Pain in the jaw:
    Just like the gums, the jaw is directly affected by the teeth and if wisdom teeth are appearing, you would surely experience some pain in the jaw.
  • Pain in the head:
    Impacted wisdom teeth
    or teeth those are unable to come to the surface due to some or the other complication leads to headaches as well. You should see your dentist if these headaches persist for a long time. 
  • Infection:
    Sometimes, a tooth only erupts partially and leads to the formation of a pocket or a flap of the gum which covers the other half of the tooth. This can lead to a serious infection because food particles tend to get stuck within that flap and turn into a breeding ground for infection causing germs.
  • Bad breath:
    Improper alignment or misplacement of a wisdom tooth, formation of flaps in the gum and other complications may sometimes hinder with brushing or flossing. In case the absence of proper oral hygiene continues, bacteria begin to grow causing bad breath, cavities and even tooth decay.
In case you are facing issues with a wisdom tooth, you should immediately consult your dentist. You can expect a little discomfort as a new tooth appears but if the symptoms of pain and infection are spotted, it is better to get expert advice. Depending upon the severity of the condition and the placement and health of the wisdom teeth, you may be suggested the appropriate wisdom teeth removal procedure.


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