The dental surgery in medical parlance means surgery on the teeth and in some critical cases on the jaws of adults. Now-a-days it is not uncommon to perform dental surgeries in cases of infants and adolescents. The science in Dentistry has progressed immensely and treatment is available for almost all problems.
In March 2012 a case of dental surgery was performed on eleven out of twenty primary teeth of a child of two and half years in Seattle. The report was rather shocking and hence oral care be importantly taken from tender age. Proper and regular dental care with oral hygiene considerably reduces the necessity of treatment by surgery.
Now let us know some of the dental surgeries:
In March 2012 a case of dental surgery was performed on eleven out of twenty primary teeth of a child of two and half years in Seattle. The report was rather shocking and hence oral care be importantly taken from tender age. Proper and regular dental care with oral hygiene considerably reduces the necessity of treatment by surgery.
Now let us know some of the dental surgeries:
- Root canal:
This problem is common in permanent teeth but that can be with primary and milk teeth also. If the problem in the tooth left unattended then it can affect the pulp and roots. The milk/primary tooth is required to make space for the permanent tooth to come in alignment. The premature loss of primary tooth will severely result into excess crowding of teeth or even cause non-eruption of permanent teeth. Two types of dental treatment is undertaken in such cases one Vital-pulp therapy meaning removal of the pulp from the crown but not from the roots and the other Non Vital-pulp therapy meaning removal of the pulp both from the crown and roots.
- Dental crown:
A cap of artificial materials is set on the decaying tooth or the dental implants and these are termed Dental crowns. Dental crowns help to stop the decay and strengthen the tooth. Furthermore, it is set when the child is unable to tolerate the high doses of sedative or anesthesia. A stainless steel crown is preferred over other materials viz. ceramic, porcelain, metal and resin for children. For pediatric dental care the cost effective steel crown is selected as it saves the teeth from further decay and comes off easily and naturally when the teeth starts to erupt.
- Tooth Extraction:
The extraction of decaying tooth from its bone socket itself undertaken in unavoidable circumstances. Even though anesthesia is given or an ointment applied before the surgery, it is painful and bleeds afterwards. Doctors put gauge to moderate the blood flow and suggest washing the child’s mouth with water and salt. An Ice pack compress on the jaws and gums to relieve the pain advised.
- Wisdom Teeth Removal Process:
A wisdom tooth is actually one of the molar teeth and has nothing to do with age and it may cause trouble to a child or a grown up at any time. The child wisdom teeth removal is required when it does not fully erupt to surface and become painful attracting bacteria or it may be crowding over other tooth due to its angle of eruption. A timely removal of the wisdom tooth best judged by a Dentist is the only remedy. A qualified Dentist can only perform the removal of wisdom tooth depending on his dexterity and the timing. The judging of the best time for removal is of prime importance.
- Tooth Whitening :
Apart from the Wisdom Teeth Removal, Tooth whitening of children performed in case of excessive discoloration. Very few doctors will suggest tooth whitening for children of below six years age. There are instances of tooth whitening on partially erupted and visibly surfaced permanent teeth. There are two types of tooth whitening process.
- VITAL- whitening of the teeth with non-living nerve
- NON-VITAL – whitening of the teeth with non-living nerve
Most popular whitening chemical agent used by Dentist is the PEROXIDE.
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